On Thursday, September 13, Matthew Schwartz participated in a three session program sponsored by the New York Institute of Credit which was held at Arno Ristorante in New York. Matt’s panel included Honorable Louis H. Kornreich (Ret.), Of Counsel, Bernstein Shur and Mark Minuti, Partner, Saul, Ewing, Arnstein & Lehr and Honorable Alan S. Trust, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, Eastern District of New York. The group discussed the Use of Mediation in Commercial Finance Disputes; presenting a short primer on Mediation (timing, applicable law, mediation agreements, confidentiality and good faith); Selecting the Mediator (the pros and cons of judges, former judges, lawyers and business people and comparative costs); When and How a Mediator may Employ Different Styles of Mediation (facilitative, evaluative, and directive); and Achieving the Desired Result (preparation, objectives, authority, and the settlement agreement). Other panelists

In addition to his investigative financial work at Bederson, Matt has completed the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediator’s Civil Mediation Training Program as well as its Civil Mediation Apprenticeship.

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